Guest: John Sutton
Location: Cognitive Science department, Macquarie University
Duration: 52mins.
Keywords: Literature, History of the Occult, Descartes, Memory, Distributed cognition, Shared memory, embodied skills and movement, extended mind, early modern cognitive history, Aristotelian ethics, reductionism.
John Sutton is Professor of Cognitive Science at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He is currently head of the same department, having previously also been head of the Macquarie Philosophy department. He is author of Philosophy and Memory Traces:Descartes to Connectionism (Cambridge University Press, 1998), and co-editor of Descartes’ Natural Philosophy and the Sage journal and Palgrave Macmillan book series Memory Studies.
Sutton and I discuss a range of topics, including the occult in literature, Descartes, shared memories, the extended mind hypothesis, identity, skills in sports, and what the role of a philosopher should be in an interdisciplinary setting.
There were some audio issues in this episode, in particular some unfortunate rumbling coming from my microphone. I hope this won’t distract from the talk. I should also mention that I thought for a long time I had to label this episode with [explicit lyrics], but Sutton rightly pointed out to me that he did actually say “you folk are wrong”, not quite the same phrase I thought I heard.
Background Information and links related to this episode:
- As usual, you will get most out of this episode if you at least know a little bit about John Sutton. For starters, have a look at Sutton’s personal Web site and departmental page.
- From his personal web site, you can also download sample chapters from his Philosophy and Memory Traces:Descartes to Connectionism
- Sutton’s Warwick Centre for Memory Studies inaugural lecture
- An interview for Macquarie University TV:
- Søraker, J.H. (Producer). (2013, April 2). Episode 8: John Sutton (audio podcast). SuchThatCast. Podcast retrieved from https://suchthatcast.com/Sutton
- Use hashtag #SuchThatCast for tweets, blog posts, pictures and other posts related to this podcast.
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